Weekly Report


This is the weekly report that I actually used in Japanese work-site.

Please comment if you have any suggestions or advice.

① Address

TO: Enter the recipient’s email address.
CC: Enter the email address of the person you want to report at the same time.
BCC: Enter the email address of the person you want to report without being known to the “TO” or “CC” or other “BCCs”.

“TO” is required, but “CC” and “BCC” are optional.

② Subject

The subject should be easy to understand at a glance what the email content is. Make it as short as possible.


[Weekly Report]_[][][][]Project@Tokyo_20200515

③ Main email body

Make the content concrete and simple. Using numbers makes it easier for people to understand. It’s not a diary, so keep the text concise and not long. Write only the information you need, make it short and informative.


To all

This is (sender's name).

The following is my weekly report from (Month and Day) to (Month and Day).
Sorry for the trouble, but please check.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Project Title]

Systems engineer

[Outline of work]
・ System's detailed design / Processing event definition creation
・ Create log analysis tool with macro

[Work contents / actual results]
・ May 11th: System's detailed design / Processing event definition document creation
Actual Results: 74/306 (completed), 232 (remaining)
・ May 12th: System's detailed design / Processing event definition document creation
Actual Results: 148/306 (completed), 158 (remaining)
・ May 13th: System's detailed design / Processing event definition document creation
Actual Results: 222/306 (completed), 84 (remaining)
・ May 14th: System's detailed design / Processing event definition document creation
Actual Results: 306/306 (completed), 0 (remaining)
・ May 15th: Create log analysis tool with macro
Results: Learning VBA macros

[Problem / Cause / Countermeasure / Status]
Create log analysis tool with macro:
・ Problem: I don't know which process to create manually, VBA macro or Excel formulas.
・ Cause: lack of knowledge in VBA macros and Excel formulas.
・ Countermeasures: Learn by using the Internet, ask an expert.
・ Situation: Not resolved

[Problem situation up to last week]

[Future plans]
・ Complete the log analysis tool until May.
・ From June, participate in <><><><> projects. The work place will be in Yokohama.

・ At-home work is recommended as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19,
however due to the limited development environment, the manager decided to continue working in the field.

・ To prevent infection with COVID-19, the on-site manager instructed us to thoroughly wash and gargle.

[Attendance information]
・ May 11: 8:50-17:20
・ May 12: 8:50-17:20
・ May 13: 8:50-17:20
・ May 14: 8:50-17:20
・ May 15: 8:50-17:20

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