About HTML


This is about my experience and also a note that summarizes what I learned from workplace and self-study. It would be appreciated if you could comment your suggestions for any issues on the post.

Other reference materials:

  • Wikipedia
  • Zukai de wakaru Web App. no subete(Japanese Book)

I am learning about HTML now.

  • HTML(HyperText Markup Language)

Prof. Wiki: HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

  • How to create an HTML file:

Open any text editor and set the extension to “.html” when saving.

File Name: sample.html

Write the following source code in the HTML file.


※About Tags

  • <html>: It is about the whole document. It can be divided into <head> and <body>
  • <head>: A part describing related links and titles.
  • <title>: A part that describes the title.
  • <body>: A part that describes the main text, paragraph, heading, etc.
  • <h1>: Big heading.

End it by </tag-name>.

  • Attribute

The attribute is supplementary information of the tag, and the writing method is as follows.

<Tag name attribute name = “value”> … </ tag name>


style attribute of p tag

<p style = "text-align: left"> Align left </ p>
  • DOCTYPE declaration

This is the HTML version. Declaration is required since HTML4.01. Write at the top of the source code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  • How to execute HTML

Open the HTML file with any browser. Success if the following is displayed.



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