

Hello! I would like to briefly introduce the reason of why I start this blog.

Basically, I will write in Japanese, but also include English as necessary.

I am Filipino and I am working at offshore system development-related company in Japan.

My previous job was mainly selling mobile phones and serving a customer service at a telecommunications company’s store. Prior to that, I worked in a construction-related and machinery-related company.

I graduated Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, but it is not a big deal at all. Honestly, when I was in school, I was only thinking about hanging out with my friends.

My programming experience was only at the level that I did follow the textbook in the school class, so l have no practical experience. When I first joined an IT company, my knowledge of system development was completely equal to zero.

I experienced system’s test work for two years at the company that I joined however, I would like to work where I can leverage my unique strength which is language skill, so I searched a company within the same industry and I was able to join an IT company where I can leverage my language skills.

They assigned me immediately in a project that involves everything from detailed design to implementation and various tests. I was happy personally but, I was prepared to have many things to learn from now on as I have only test experience.

This blog is a record of my experience and what I will learn through my work as a novice systems engineer, so that I can look back for myself to learn IT technology.

It would be appreciated if you could comment your suggestions for any issues on the post. I would also be glad if this could be helpful to those who are also aiming to be systems engineer.

I will do my best to graduate from a novice engineer as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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